All posts by admin

Some Wisdom for the New Year…

Since I could never do justice to such an ancient text, instead of doing a traditional book review of The Bhagavad-Gita, translated by Barbara Stoler Miller, I thought I would share some wise words from this famous book.

From the Introduction: “Krishna does not condone physical violence. Instead, he identifies the real enemy as desire, due to attachment, an enemy that can only be overcome by arming oneself with discipline and acting to transcend the narrow limits of individual desire.”

“Contacts with matter make us feel heat and cold, pleasure and pain. Arjuna, you must learn to endure fleeting things – they come and go!
When these cannot torment a man, when suffering and joy are equal for him and he has courage, he is fit for immortality.”

“Perform actions, firm in discipline, relinquishing attachment; be impartial to failure and success – this equanimity is called discipline.”

“Self-reliant, impartial to suffering and joy, to clay, stone, or gold, the resolute man is the same to foe and friend, to blame and praise.
The same in honor, and disgrace, to ally and enemy, a man who abandons involvements transcends the qualities of nature.”

From the Afterword – Referring to Ralph Waldo Emerson:
“Emerson is chiefly interested in Krishna’s teaching that works must be done without thought of reward and that a person may have a tranquil mind even in activity.”

Happy New Year everyone!

Are you ready to Mingle?

The first installment of my new series Mingling in the CIA: Observations of an Underdog is now available on Amazon! It is perfect for short attention spans, but also serves as an introduction to what is to come in 2016. I am bringing the characters to life in my next book, which is already about half way done.
As always, thank you to everyone who has been so supportive of my work, it means a lot to me. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!

You don’t have to have a Kindle to read a Kindle book. Just download the free Kindle reading app here:

Book Review, Corrupted by Emmy Yoshida

Romance, drama, intrigue… This book has it all! This book took me on a journey through some of my own memories. I sort of related to Ria, yet I was never that carefree, only wished to be. But this story has it all. While reading Corrupted I experienced flashes of memory of some of the men I’ve been exposed to in my life – though certainly none were as violent as Brad. For those who know what it is like to feel like a caged animal, and love the feeling of triumph, this book is for you. Bravo, Emmy Yoshida!

Getting into the Christmas Spirit….

Getting into the Christmas spirit, watching the Nelteer family tradition, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation… I wanted to read some warm, fuzzy Christmas stuff…
I recently discovered Kindle Short Reads. They are perfect for the person who has very little time to read, or simply just the person with a short attention span. Short Reads can be read in a time span from 15 minutes to up to 2 hours or more. The page count for a Kindle Short Read is from 1 to 100 pages.
I chose to read two charming little stories by Bobby Hutchinson. You can check out my reviews of Snow Kissed Christmas and Carol’s Christmas on the Book Reviews page.

I also have a selfish reason for looking into Kindle Short Reads… I have been working on a series, and the first installment in the series will be coming out very soon. It is sort of an introduction to what is to come, and I’m really excited about it; 2016 is shaping up to be a great year!
Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season and abundance in the New Year!

And, by the way, you don’t have to have a Kindle to read a Kindle Short Read. Just download the free Kindle reading app here:

The Offensive Baggy White Skirt…

…She was clearly offended, as if I wore this skirt on purpose to tempt men. Horrified, I asked what she wanted me to do. She told me to “maybe” just sit at my desk the rest of the day. She also explained how whenever a woman wears white, she should always wear a slip. I left her office feeling completely embarrassed. I looked over at my cubicle neighbor, a chubby girl, who was wearing a lingerie shirt with tiny spaghetti straps that allowed her huge breasts to flop all over her keyboard and wondered how my skirt could be so offensive…

Jennifer Garner Fan Mail…

…Happy to break the monotony of daily name traces and the never-ending flood of emails from nutcases who would write to the CIA’s website asking about Jennifer Garner, I went off to my first real training class outside of the building for two weeks…

A Great Book to Honor Our Veterans

In honor of Veterans Day, I’m re-posting my review of A Pink Mist by John Bercaw. Thank you for your service!
A fantastic read – I couldn’t put this book down!! As a former student of political science/international relations, I can’t help thinking that this would make great college course reading. Had this been a book in my university curriculum I would have undoubtedly gotten better grades! This book really puts life into perspective. Any time I feel like whining about petty problems, all I have to do is read parts of this book to see how hard life can really be, as it was for soldiers in the Vietnam War. It reminds me of an expression the father of one of my former friends and co-workers at the CIA used to use when she complained about something trifling or had a fear of something. He would say, “How bad could it be? What are they gonna do – shave your head and send you to Vietnam?” Great book.

Creative Block

I have just submitted my latest work to the CIA’s Publication Review Board for approval. The first of an e-series, begun while I was pregnant for the second time. It seems pregnancy brings out my creativity. Even though I had a miscarriage, the story went on to completion. And I only mention my miscarriage because so few do, and I feel it is important to talk about.

I’m very excited to be writing more creative non-fiction this time around! I thought my creative writing skills had gone to waste, squashed permanently by working for the CIA for eight years, but I think I am gradually getting some of it back. You see, when you work for the CIA you learn to write like a robot – you HAVE to write that way – with as little personality as possible.

As a child I used to love writing stories. Now I feel as if that part of me is waking up from a very long slumber. What a thrill to see the characters come to life and make me laugh!

I have finally found a job that I love.

Oh, Young Forbidden Love…

…Technically, Jarod and I were not allowed to have any relationship outside of work. [Text is redacted here] Ed knew this, but he also knew he could not stop us from hanging out if we wanted to. Over lunch at a nearby restaurant Ed and I conspired about ways that I could get Jarod alone in order to ask him to get a drink after the meeting. The best we could come up with was for me to come up to the room by myself after one of Jarod’s meetings. He would be meeting with a psychologist to assess his mental state [Text is redacted here]. Ed and I lurked around the hotel lobby waiting to spot the doctor leaving the meeting…

The DGSE is Following Me!

…Chester would sometimes entertain me with stories about Annie and Carina. Apparently the two of them would go out bar hopping and come back the next day to report their shenanigans to Security. They would run their stories of being followed by French intelligence at DC bars by Chester first to see if it warranted a report to Security. Chester would entertain their delusions, figuring that at least the security officer for the division would get a good laugh…