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Thank you.

As I just had my second baby, I havenā€™t had much time for writing lately and will likely be absent from this blog for a little while. But, I want to thank all of the people who have been supportive of my books so far. It means a lot to me to hear that someone has taken the time to read something I have written, whether they like it or not.
I have a new book in the Mingling in the CIA series ready to go, but am still waiting on the CIAā€™s Publication Review Board to grant its approval for me to publish the latest in Annieā€™s adventures. I had fully intended to have the book out prior to my daughterā€™s birth, but that was not meant to be (sigh). I hope to hear some good news in the near future, and get on with the business of publishing in the few spare minutes I have each day.
Again, thank you to all of you who have been supportive, and stay tuned for more soon.

Five Year Anniversary!

…A feeling of complete emptiness came over me. I was lost. I had no job, no boyfriend, no car, no direction. I began to question all of my recent life choices…

What a difference five years makes! As I celebrate my five year anniversary of leaving the horror of my CIA employment, I cannot believe how much my life has changed post-CIA. A loving husband, a beautiful son, a daughter on the way, a new house, and three (going on four) published books. It just goes to show that risks are worth taking.

Porn-Addicted Boyfriends…

…I was living alone again for the first time in more than seven years, and even though I was much better off, it was quite an adjustment. I suppose I reached a true low point when I started going out for drinks with Annie on weekends. Years of emotional abuse from a porn-addicted boyfriend can do that to you…

I Dodged a Bullet!

“Make love to her right now!”
It was a wild night. I really did not feel like pursuing a relationship with Fiona; I was becoming increasingly creeped out by Archie’s request for me to find a girlfriend. After about the millionth text message pushing me to make out with her, I decided to keep him interested and fed him an imaginative story about how the night was going… He was practically slobbering through the phone…

…Later, Archie cited my supposed inclination toward lesbianism as justification for our break-up…

I dodged a bullet there, didn’t I?!

Intelligence Surges Don’t Work!

…One Friday morning I logged on to find an email stating that as of Monday, I would be reporting to [redacted]. This was the new division that had been formed, and they needed people immediately. It was called a ā€œsurgeā€…
I arrived in [redacted] to find a very disorganized office. Some of the people in the very large group forced in to these assignments did not even have desks to sit at yet. It was as if no one had planned for this surge of new people who were apparently so urgently needed. I was placed at a desk, but found I had no work to do…
I had absolutely no CI experience, so I was baffled at how I could be chosen for this somewhat crucial aspect of work in this new division…

Your Freedom of Speech…

Be very thankful for your freedom of speech, donā€™t ever take it for granted.
Below is a book review that I wrote for Barry Meierā€™s book, Missing Man: The American Spy Who Vanished in Iran. As you can see, it has been heavily redacted by the CIA. While I realize I signed a secrecy agreement when I went to work for the Agency, at the time, at just twenty-nine years old, I never imagined that one day I would be writing books about my experience. It is obviously not ideal to have to send everything I write through the Publications Review Board at the CIA. It adds an extra hurdle to the writing and publishing process and stifles some of my creativity, not to mention it can be frustrating and time consuming. For the most part, I feel they have been pretty fair with me, though sometimes it seems like the criteria for what is considered ā€œclassifiedā€ changes depending on what day it is. There do not seem to be strict standards that apply to everyone, regardless of whether you are Hillary Clinton or Valerie Plame. I have not seen a lot of consistency in the process. Sometimes I struggle with the question of whether to make a fuss and try to appeal their decisions, but then possibly incurring the wrath of the people who work there, thereby affecting the publication of my future books. I have to believe that they have good reasons for redacting certain words. Even though a sentence itself may not be classified, I hope that the redaction of those words was done with the intention of protecting a life – in this case Bob Levinson, who disappeared from his wife and seven children in 2007.

Please note that the length of the black lines does not accurately reflect the amount of text that was removed from my original book review.

This is an excellent book about the disappearance of Bob Levinson, a retired FBI agent [redacted length=”medium”]. This story hits close to home for me, as I was working at the CIA when Mr. Levinson vanished. A lot of the details in the book bring back old memories, [redacted length=”extra”]. At the time, I was new to the office I was working in, [redacted length=”extra”]. Years later, while posted on a field assignment, I attended a meeting with Senator Bill Nelson. I watched as Senator Nelson asked the very puzzled group about Mr. Levinson. All of the officers in the group were completely bewildered by the inquiry, [redacted length=”extra”]. The meeting left me with a very bad taste in my mouth.
Reading this book left me saddened by the disgraceful way that Mr. Levinsonā€™s case was handled by all of the agencies involved. [redacted length=”extra”]
The book reads like a spy thriller, including intricately woven webs of deceit and a cast of characters seemingly straight out of a Hollywood film. [redacted length=”extra”]
I also truly wish that the story had a happy ending.

Ever Have a Nightmare Roommate?

…Rebecca was a Logistics Officer at the Agency, and she was never home; she was always traveling TDY somewhere. She had recently arrived back from one of her trips, and walked in on Annie and Daveed. Annie had been performing an act that Rebecca was pretty sure was not a traditional massage technique. Rebecca had witnessed one too many of these lapses in judgment on Annie’s part and could not wait for their lease to end. She did not intend on having Annie as a roommate next year…

Now through July 31st, get all of my books 25% off at the Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale! Just visit my Smashwords page to buy!


In honor of author Frank Boccia, who passed away last week, I am re-posting an interview I did with him last year. He was a great man, and I appreciated his honesty and that he took the time to speak with me about my first book, Single in the CIA. Frank’s book, The Crouching Beast: A United States Army Lieutenant’s Account of the Battle for Hamburger Hill, May 1969, is available on Amazon, and other places books are sold. He will be missed.

Frank: You write well, economically, clearly. As a professional author, I appreciate that kind of writing.

I can see why the book might have made the CIA squirm a bit, but considering the bad press they get I suppose theyā€™re used to it. And, yeah, the waste of money is disturbing, but then the entire government does the same. I know. I had two separate and brief periods of employment with Uncle Sam and spent most of the time shaking my head.

But Iā€™m left with a question that I hesitate to ask, but must. First, let me make clear that I am not making a moral judgment here; I would be the worldā€™s most egregious hypocrite if I did, because I was an executive in a major corporation and there was a period when I was the Barry or Archie ā€” well, no; not Archie. I could never reach his level of weird hypocrisy ā€” or Jarod. Iā€™m ashamed of it now, but back then ā€” well, there were a lot of attractive women in our company. So, if anything what I did was much less ethical. A young clerk and a middle-aged exec is not a fair match.

Soā€¦ the question is, how did you come to bare all that you did? I donā€™t mean for its affect on the Agency, or even your partners ā€” no matter that you changed their names (I know you did because I was forced to change a lot of names in my account, or the lawyers would have hissy fits and massive heart attacks) many of your former colleagues will know who the men were ā€” but so what? They probably did anyway. No, Iā€™m thinking only on how it affects YOU. Did you hesitate at all, for that reason? I understand that this is probably an embarrassing topic, but, you must have known your father and his colleagues and friends would read it. I sat and thought about that after I read the last paragraph.

Regarding his book, The Crouching Beast: Many have remarked on how intimate and revealing some of my passages are, showing things that werenā€™t necessarily attractive in my character. I wrestled with that, but in the end decided that if was going to be honest, and write about my comrades as I did, then I had to write about myself, warts and all. Again ā€” no moral stance here. Call it vulgar curiosity, or, as I think of it, a professional writerā€™s research. I will thoroughly understand if you donā€™t wish to answer, or if you send me a blazing dart filled with names ā€” all of which Iā€™ve been called before, probably deservedly ā€” and suggestions for my future address.

I will say it took courage to do what you did. Sort of like charging a machine gun nest. After the first step itā€™s too late to back out.

Shelly: To answer your question ā€“ I really donā€™t find anything that I exposed in the book embarrassingā€¦ In todayā€™s world, what I wrote is practically a childā€™s cartoon. I think at the end of the book I clarified that I was never a victim in the situations I was in, I was merely along for the ride. I was actually just as bad as the men I talk about in the book (and Iā€™ll add that Barry and I are still friends). They donā€™t have a name for the female equivalent of a womanizerā€¦ But thatā€™s what I was! I think the book actually delivers a good message in the end ā€“ it shows that no matter how much BS you deal with and how dreadful your life can seem (as it did in the Fall of 2011), things can completely change in a very short span of time. Because of the risk I took leaving the Agency my life became 100% better. I am now living happily with a young son, happily married, and doing things I never could ā€“ with the help of my book sales! I think the book is more of a triumph than something to be embarrassed about. And as you know, as a writer, you cannot hesitate or censor yourself if you want to write well. I struggled with censoring myself quite a bit while writing it ā€“ I left out A LOT of really bad behavior ā€“ both on my part and others. Thatā€™s the stuff that might actually embarrass me. But, I also know that I wouldnā€™t be afraid to write a sequel to Single in the CIA, which could include some of the worst behavior that I left out this time around.

And donā€™t worry, I am not offended by your question at all!!! Hey, I am a 40 year old woman now, whose book is doing well considering the obstacles I have (friends who donā€™t know how to use the internet, friends who are afraid their CIA cover will be blown if they purchase the book, etc). Iā€™m not easily offended ā€“ I kept reading your question over and over trying to figure out what you think might actually offend me!! I canā€™t find anything. Trust me, the book could have been WAY more intimate ā€“ I went light on the sex stuff. Iā€™ve had so many people tell me that I needed to put MORE of the sex in the book ā€“ they said it wasnā€™t sexy enough.

Regarding the changing of names ā€“ yes, I did that ā€“ but that is more because when you work for the Agency we all get pseudonyms. So half the time we didnā€™t even know each othersā€™ real names!

In closing, all of the ā€œdouche bagsā€ in the book have contacted me since its publication, and none of them are mad about what I wrote ā€“ except Archie. But, like Iā€™ve said before, if you donā€™t want someone to write about your bad behavior one day, donā€™t act like a douche bag!

The good news ā€“ Iā€™ve apparently got a huge following of certain officers in the CIA. Some of them have thanked me for ā€œbringing it all togetherā€ for them. They are coming to grips with the idea that they may not be able to get another job when they leave the Agency ā€“ their professional life is a big black hole, more so than mine, and they are squirming now trying to figure out what to do if and when they jump ship. Most will stay there until they can retire, living very unhappy lives, because they are, in a sense, prisoners to the Agency.

Thank you for saying it took courage to write it! I always have been a risk-taker, and also a pretty blunt person. Not everybody recognizes that, but I am also a very misunderstood person. Thatā€™s ok with me.

Roaming the Halls and the Seventh Floor…

…Annie perked up, pushing the memory of his wedding band out of her mind. She eagerly wrote him back, setting a date for the upcoming weekend. Hearing Allison’s meeting coming to an end, she quickly logged off and headed out to roam the halls for a bit. She liked to go up to the Seventh Floor, the place where the Director of the CIA and all of the real higher-ups of the Agency sat. It made her feel important, and the DCIA’s bodyguards were really cute…

It’s Nap Time… At the CIA!

…Annie looked over to where Beatrice, her elderly co-worker, usually sat. Beatrice was just waiting to retire, though she seemed much older than the usual retirement age. She wasn’t currently at her desk – she often snuck down to the Agency library where she could be found taking a nap on the sofa in the far back corner…