September 11th and Today’s Topsy-Turvy World

Isn’t it strange how today the entire world seems to be turned upside down? For instance, just looking at politics alone, the Republican party used to be considered the party of the rich. Now it is the Democrat party who are most of the billionaires and the Hollywood elite. I remember, having finished high school and college in California, that the people there were the creative free thinkers, whether in the tech world or artistic world, they believed in freedom. Nowadays the tech world is censoring free speech and the others are saying that you must be masked perpetually. As I’ve written before, after the events of September 11th, I had friends who questioned that it even happened. Their theory was that it was a Hollywood-orchestrated event created to somehow benefit President George Bush. Maybe it was because they were asleep still when the event occurred. I wasn’t.

I was living in the Washington, D.C. area and saw it with my own eyes. I had moved myself there from California, hence all the later California feedback I received. I had people who I once respected tell me that they believed the planes crashing into the World Trade Center Twin Towers were all a Hollywood-style production, that the then-President Bush had orchestrated it for his own gain. And, perhaps even worse, I had some people (also in California) tell me that the people working in the Twin Towers deserved to die. They said they were so rich that they deserved to be killed. My response was always that those people there at that time in the morning were likely not the wealthy, but the actual workers, the secretarial types, the administrative assistants, the clerical workers – not the rich boss who was out golfing that day.

But there was no reasoning with these people, they insisted that this was how it was.

I could tell them I saw a plane fly over where I happened to be driving that morning and then seeing the ensuing smoke cloud on the horizon as the plane crashed into the Pentagon. I could tell them how upon realizing what had happened, I immediately thought of my family in California and how they could be next. I wanted to warn them, but guess what happens in a real emergency? The phone system goes down.

I watched in the days that followed how people in the D.C. area seemed to have gotten nicer, at least in some ways. People actually allowed you to merge in traffic without waving a middle finger or honking, and people really seemed to be coming together. That didn’t last long, but I did see it.

These days, those people who were telling me that the terrorist attacks of September 11th were a Hollywood scam, are the same people who insist that wearing a mask must be required at all times. These same people insist that all Americans should be forced to take an untested vaccine. These same people do not acknowledge the harm THEY caused for a whole generation of kids who now are way behind in important skills like reading, writing, and arithmetic, not to mention the social issues it has caused them and will continue to cause them for their entire lives. And, these same people are all Democrats. They detest the wealthy, yet they adore people like Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Nancy Pelosi. All of these people are very wealthy, at least millionaires, if not billionaires in some cases. I have worked for the United States government. My whole family was U.S. government, even my grandfather. They were born and raised in Washington, D.C.
The thing is, you do not get rich working for the government. Senators and representatives work for the U.S. government. You don’t spend fifty years as a senator and become a billionaire, without an outside successful business, unless you are corrupt.
The Republican party by and large is now the party of the worker, the do-er, the person who is actually out there working – and the “elite” Democrat rich person needs them to perform necessary services for them.

On September 11th, 2024, let’s remember the lives lost and what our country, the United States of America, actually stands for. It stands for freedom. Most of America is not like California, but it is gradually becoming like California as their horrible policies are spread across the nation. We don’t have to agree with each other on everything, but let’s stop being hysterical and nonsensical about everything.

Above all else, let’s strive to remember, instead of numbing our brains with drugs to escape reality. Let’s learn about history instead of trying to avoid it because it might be upsetting. Children should learn about September 11th in school. The videos of what happened that day should be played.

Let’s work to make the reality better for everyone, not just the super rich of the world. Let’s not look to the government to solve our problems – I can tell you from working there, that is the LAST place you want to be dependent on.


This article was originally published on