In the second installment of The Adventures of Shelly Beach series, A Hermit Crab’s Home, Shelly and her brother Sunny continue on their adventures in the Florida Keys. Young readers can continue to learn about the wildlife found in the Keys while they join Shelly in her magical paddle boat. In this installment, readers will discover hermit crabs, as they meet Herbie the Hermit Crab and Uncle Shrimpie, guided by a MerDog! The print copy comes in large font, to assist those computer-strained eyes. With so much being done on the screen these days, I know firsthand how much damage can be done to eyesight.
My hope is that the series will teach young kids the value of wildlife, nature, and the ocean in a fun and magical way.
Available in eBook and print!
Get ready to meet Uncle Shrimpie, and be led by a MerDog on some magical adventures!
As always, thank you to my young readers for supporting my work!