Archie sat wide-eyed and frozen, like the proverbial deer in the headlights. He barely had time to respond before another officer chimed in and spouted out so much detail about some terrorist network that Archie’s head was spinning.
“Um, well Bisaam definitely wants to travel. He’s mentioned Denmark – is that something we can do? Pakistan might be a bit of a struggle for him. I mean, um, financially…” Archie trailed off.
The officers around the table exchanged looks. Henningway just bowed his head for a minute.
“Denmark?” one of the officers said, mouth hanging open in disbelief.
“But Pakistan is closer to Thailand than Denmark,” another officer stated the obvious.
“CTC has the funds. In fact we have excess funds that we have to use or they will be re-appropriated,” a portly guy who appeared to be the Group Chief chimed in, laughing. “You know, everyone wants to get in on the counter terrorism thing these days. It’s where the money’s at.”
From the latest in the Mingling in the CIA series, Archie.