Introducing Jarod

…One of the main issues he had was that he had acquired some very sensitive technical equipment from one of his contacts [redacted]. This equipment was highly sought-after in the intelligence community. He needed a way to bring this equipment out of the country without getting arrested. If the intelligence service of the country discovered this equipment, he would be in extreme danger.
Jarod had an idea of how to get the equipment out, and he ran it by me. We decided the best thing to do was write this plan up in a cable and submit it to Headquarters for approval on his next trip [redacted]. He accompanied this cable with some administrative-type cables that I knew Headquarters would insist on having in order to even consider this plan. They were all box-checking types of cables, but he needed them regardless. We both knew that Headquarters was fairly risk-averse, and they would never want to suggest the plan themselves, for fear that if it failed they would look bad, and someone would not get their promotion to 15, or SIS. Jarod wanted to take the risk. He knew that having the equipment in his house in-country was more dangerous. If the intelligence service of that country decided to focus on him because he was a foreigner living there, they would not be opposed to appearing at his residence and searching his belongings. Jarod was in constant fear of hearing that knock on the door, and he was a rare employee of the Agency in that he wanted to get things done, not sit around and talk about them…